Predicting Patient Centered Outcomes in Critically Ill Oncologic Patients

Predicting Patient Centered Outcomes in Critically Ill Oncologic Patients

Team: Michael Detsky (co-PI)
Barbara Haas (co-PI)


Critically ill oncologic patients are often co-managed by oncologists and ICU physicians who both routinely communicate information about the patient’s prognosis directly to the patient or their surrogate decision maker (SDM). The prognosis is an essential component of the shared decision-making model, ensuring that patients receive care that is consistent with their values and preferences. What is not known is whether there are different prognostic estimates between these two groups of physicians, and what kind of impact a difference can have.


To measure the accuracy and concordance of oncologists and ICU physicians’ predictions of long-term patient centered outcomes and to determine the impact discordant predictions has on patients, their surrogates and the physicians.