Ongoing Research


Predicting Patient Centered Outcomes in Critically Ill Oncologic Patients

Critically ill oncologic patients are often co-managed by oncologists and ICU physicians who both routinely communicate information about the patient’s prognosis directly to the patient or their surrogate decision maker (SDM).

Critical CareOutcomes of Patients withHematologic Malignancy and HematOlogic Stem Cell Transplant (COHO)

Recently, there have been important advances in survival outcomes for patients with hematologic malignancies related to enhanced diagnostics and treatment regimens including blood/marrow transplantation.

High Flow Nasal Cannula (HFNC) vs. Low Flow Nasal Cannula for Hypoxemic Immunocompromised Patients During Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy: A Randomized Trial

Since its inception, fiberoptic bronchoscopy has helped in delineating etiologies of respiratory failure to facilitate tailored therapy.

Management Practices and Outcomes Across Patients Presenting with High-Risk Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Hyperleukocytosis can result in leukostasis leading to end organ dysfunction, spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome (TLS) and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC).

Advance Care Planning in Patients with High-Risk Hematologic Malignancies

Many patients with hematologic malignancy are at high risk of developing critical illness as a consequence of their treatment or disease.